vDHd2021: We were there!
We were there 1:
Yesterday, a fruitful onlineconference #Net Literary Studies (Curator: Thomas Ernst, Universiteit Antwerpen & Universiteit Amsterdam) as part of the vDHd2021 came to an end. The focus was on questions around the change of production, distribution and reception of literary texts through social media as well as questions of theoretical as well as methodological access to this research object.
We were there with a presentation:
Hagenhoff, Svenja (2021): It all depends on the code. Does it still fit? Lecture at the conference #Netliteraturwissenschaft (curator Thomas Ernst, Antwerp & Amsterdam) in the context of vDHd2021, 06.09.2021.
We were there 2:
The vDHd2021 conference proceedings includes a contribution by Katharina Leyrer.
Leyrer, Katharina (2021): Bye, Bye, Bias! Reviewing and designing digital humanities projects from an information ethics perspective with Value Sensitive Design. In: Manuel Burghardt, Lisa Dieckmann, Timo Steyer, Peer Trilcke, Niels Walkowski, Joëlle Weis and Ulrike Wuttke (eds.): Fabrication of Knowledge – Experiments in the Digital Humanities Wolfenbüttel 2021. (= Journal of Digital Humanities / Special Volumes, 5). Wolfenbüttel. Available online at DOI: 10.17175/SB005_003.