
Don't miss: Online new student information session on Friday Oct. 6 at 11 a.m. for first-year Bachelor Digitale Geistes- und Sozialwissenscahften, Master Digital Humanities and ModulstudienDigital Humanities students. The information event will be held as a ZOOM conference. https://fau.zoom-x.d...

Category: General, Study

In the course of the project module, Birte Neubauer (BA Digital Humanities and Social Studies) developed the VIKUS-Viewer "Working Women". In cooperation with the Museum of Communication in Bern, digitized material from the museum's archive was selected and structured, analyzed, and presented in a n...

Category: General, Study

Get to know the Master's program in Digital Humanities In the run-up to the application phase, an information day for the Master Digital Humanities will take place. There you can get information about the study program, get into the flow of the application process and ask all of your questions. ...

Category: General, Study