Information for new students winter semester 2023/24

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Don’t miss:

Online new student information session on Friday Oct. 6 at 11 a.m. for first-year Bachelor Digitale Geistes- und Sozialwissenscahften, Master Digital Humanities and ModulstudienDigital Humanities students.
The information event will be held as a ZOOM conference.
Meeting-ID: 626 1601 4406 | Kenncode: 615505

New student orientation on Monday Oct., 16th in room in Raum KH 0.023 (Universitätsstraße 15, 91054 Erlangen)
at 10:00 a.m. s.t.: B.A. Digital Humanities and Social Sciences and Module Studies Digital Humanities
at 11:00 am s.t. Master Digital Humanities

More information on the faculty website.

The information sessions are all held in German.

[All slides are in German]

Slides of the introduction to the BA program Digital Humanities and Social Sciences

Slides of the FSI DigiHumS for the first semester introduction