Master’s program focus “Digitization and Social Change” at FAU

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Digitization is linked to a fundamental change in social conditions. In an interdisciplinary focus at FAU, master’s students in the social and cultural sciences can examine the background, analysis and design options for this change.

The focus is currently already integrated into the

Master of Political Science (focus on digitalization and politics) – student advisor Prof. Dr. Thomas Demmelhuber
Master Cultural Geography (focus on Digital Geography & Society) – student advisory Profs. Dr. Georg Glasze and Dr. Blake Walker

In addition, Sociology, Media Studies, Japanese Studies and Book Studies participate in the program.

The Department of Digital Humanities & Social Studies initially feeds mainly methodological seminars from the Master’s area.

In the concentration, MA students can choose a total of 20 ECTS from a pool of interdisciplinary offerings.

a total of 10 ECTS from two thematically appropriate main seminars in the subject area “Society & Technology
a total of 10 ECTS from two methodological seminars in the digital humanities and social sciences and other participating subjects.

In the winter semester 2023/2024, the following seminars can be selected (please contact the respective lecturers if you are interested) (All lectures are in German)

Fach Dozent/in bzw. Ansprechpartner Hauptseminar (HA) oder Methodenseminar (MS) Titel  
Kulturgeographie Dr. Finn Dammann

Dozent: M. Summerer, Amt für Digitalisierung der Stadt Nürnberg

Externe Expertise (Blockseminare, 5 ECTS) Externe Expertise I: Digitalisierung und öffentliche Verwaltung gemeinsam gestalten
Kulturgeographie Prof. Dr. Blake Walker; Prof. Dr. Georg Glasze; Dr. Finn Dammann Forschungswerkstatt; Blockseminare; 2*5 ECTS Konzeption und Organisation Tagung AK Digitale Geographie 2024 in Erlangen
Kulturgeographie/DHSS Dr. Finn Dammann; Dr. Dominik Kremer Methodenseminar; 5 ECTS Seminar vertiefte Methoden: Geographische Informationssysteme in der Human-/Kulturgeographie
Kulturgeographie Prof. Dr. Georg Glasze Seminar 5 ECTS Hauptseminar: Politische Geographien der digitalen Transformation
Kulturgeographie Dr. Finn Dammann mit Prof. Dr. Boris Michel (MLU Halle) ca. dreitägiges Geländeseminar (2 ECTS!) Digitale Infrastrukturen Geographien digitaler Infrastrukturen –

Soziotechnische Assemblagen von Datenzirkulation (Region Nürnberg und Region Halle/Leipzig)

Computerlinguistik/DHSS Andreas Blombach Seminar 5 ECTS Wörter, Texte & Frequenzen: statistische Analyse von Sprachdaten
Medienethik/DHSS Prof. Höhne Seminar 5 ECTS Zwischen Filterblasen und Teilhabehoffnung. Der digitale Strukturwandel der Öffentlichkeit in medienethischer Perspektive
Japanologie Prof. Dr. Fabian Schäfer Methodenseminar; 5 ECTS Digitale Methoden der qualitativen Analyse
Japanologie Prof. Dr. Fabian Schäfer Methodenseminar; 5 ECTS Digitale Diskursanalyse
Soziologie Jasmin Schreyer; Amelie Tihlarik Hauptseminar, 5 ECTS Absolute Wahrheit durch KI? – Soziologische (De)-Konstruktionen von Künstlicher Intelligenz
Soziologie Dr. Katrin Drasch Methodenseminar; 5 ECTS Quantitative Methoden nur in Kombination besuchbar
Dr. Katrin Drasch Methodenseminar; 5 ECTS Datenanalyse mit Stata