The “funklust AI week” starts next monday (10.6.)!

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Image: funklust e.V.

The new series “funklust AI week” starts next week. From June 10th to June 13th, experts from different research areas will discuss potentials and risks of artificial intelligence and research and application possibilities in eight topic-specific live broadcasts. A panel discussion on June 14th on “Learning and Teaching with AI” will conclude the week. The “funklust” media is a multimedia initiative by students at the Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nuremberg (FAU).

On Monday, June 10th from 6-8 pm, Sabine Lang from the DHSS will talk about AI in arts and culture: Can AI be creative? And what influence does AI already have on arts & culture? These and more questions will be discussed in the interview.

An overview of the live-broadcasts and the link to the live stream can be found here:

More infos about “funklust”: